HONE COP Explainer


HONE is a unique technology in that it only uses Daylight as a fuel source. HONE is a technology developed in the 21st century (the current century). Although HONE makes electricity, what makes it unique is the ability to make very high-temperature heating & cooling.

There have been very few renewable heating technologies ever developed historically. The existing ones are Heat-pumps, a form of electric heating around since the 1860s and solar thermal, around since the 1890s and based on a scientific phenomenon called the greenhouse effect discovered around 1820.

HONE as a new breakthrough technology in the last 15 years is doing things differently. We want to demonstrate and evidence performance as the renewable industry and, in particular the renewable heating industry have historically been vague about performance.

For example, it is straightforward to measure the efficiency and COP of a heat pump in real-time, so you would expect that would be a standard option with one. Not so, and that speaks volumes.

HONE comes with all types of telemetry as standard so every type of customer or project can see their data in real-time. This is part of our proof not promises policy.

Below is a typical example of a HONE Heat Verify screen that allows you to verify your HONE system’s real-time COP and KW output when it is in production.

HONE Heat Engine

Screengrab No 1

If you look at the screen above, you can see core data sets.
  • T1 – Outer Core Temp = 94.9C
  • T2 – Inner Core Temp = 70.6C
  • Hot Water Temp = 87C
  • Heating Water Temp = 85.3C
To work out the COP and KW output in real-time, we use the energy chart for your system.


The instructions are easy to follow; first, confirm the system is running by checking flow. Then take Temp T1 and subtract Temp T2 = Delta. In the Screengrab, no 1 example above, the calculation is as follows.

94.8 – 70.6 = 24.2 (Delta)

Looking up the chart, we can see that the DELTA of 24C gives us a real-time performance of 6.7KW and a COP of 1:486.

What this means is that you have an equivalency of an oil boiler constantly running at 6.7KW. As Oil/Gas boilers run intermittently but HONE is always on and FREE as it uses NO fuel, it would be an the equivalent of 3 times and this would mean an oil or gas boiler of 20KW would be equivalent.