UK Net ZERO Electric Home – Case Study

This is a HONE Thermal/Electric system where the homeowner wanted to meet Net Zero standards for rental property.

This case study is a real house of approx 136 sq, in size. (This is a highly technical case study, and while this is a new build, we can do this for any existing home also)

The customer’s requirement for the development is that all homes have to be A100 Net-Zero. We were asked to look at the project as no one else could deliver an A100 SAP result.

The motivation of the developer to meet an A100 result is something we see a lot recently regarding build to rent properties. These properties are for long term rental, and the developer wants to future proof the value and energy profile of the homes long into the future. They also want homes with the least amount of maintenance exposure.

So we were able to meet an A100 Net Zero SAP result easily, and that is because HONE Thermal/Electric panel technology has 7 times the output of Solar PV, so we only need 14% of the space of Solar PV to do the same job. It’s that simple.

The other requirement was that this house was all-electric with smart panel heaters. No boiler or wet heating system. This adds additional challenges as electricity is not clean, nor is it cheap. This house would easily get away with £70 worth of gas a year, but because it is all-electric, it makes it more challenging—but nonetheless, not a problem for HONE and we able to deliver an A100 Net Zero SAP project result.

An all-electric home design is not the best option for your own personal house.

One important point on electric heaters is that any heaters you use are modulating with a duty cycle, i.e. they are giving out heat 100% of the time they are turned on but only drawing power 50% of the time. This would be a 50% duty cycle and would cut your electric consumption in half. SAP assumes 100% draw, so the bill below with the correct smart panel heater will be lower.

All the technical information is below, and the annual heating bill is approx £236 with a fabulous A100 Net Zero SAP result. 

All data has been anonymised. 

This is the EPC. (1 page)

HONE House Anon-PredictedEPC


This is the SAP worksheet. (15 pages)

HONE House Anon-SAP Worksheet


This is the EPC Costs worksheet. (15pages)

HONE House Anon-Cost Fees Worksheet


This is the Code for Sustainable Homes Report (1 page) – 90.9% reduction in CO2 Emissions.

HONE House Anon-CSH


This is the DER Worksheet. (14 pages)

HONE House Anon-DER


This is the TER Worksheet. (14 Pages)

HONE House Anon-TER




Net Zero A100
Chester, UK